This is a demo version of a commercial game soon to be out in Mail Order catalogs. Through October 1992 you can buy the game from Emmortal Software™ for only $25.00.
To order the game complete the regestration form in the file named "Registration" and send in your $25.00 with this registration.
New Game - This will end the current game and put your score on the high scores list if possible. Then it will reset the game to level 1, setting the score to zero.
Demo - This will end the current game, put your score on the high scores list if possible, and show a computer controlled player moving through the first level of the original set of games.
Quit - This will end your current game, put your score on the high scores list if possible, and quit the application.
Up Level - This will end the current game and move you up to the next level. NOTE: this will set your score to zero and will not check it for a high score.
Suicide - This will decrement your lives and reset the current level.
Auto Scroll - When this option is checked, the game screen will automatically scroll with the character. If this item is not checked, the game will scroll when the character reaches the end of the window.
Fast, Medium, Slow - These are the three different speeds of the game. This is provided for beginners just learning to use the controls. Slow and Medium animate at the same speeds on all computers. Fast animates as fast as your computer can.
Sound Effects - If checked, the sound effects of the game are turned on . If this item is not checked, the sound effects will not play.
Music - If checked, the background music will play continuously. If this item is not checked, the music will not play.
Background Scene - If checked the background of the game will be the one which the game starts up with as default.
Background Gradient - If checked the background will be a blue to black gradient.
You play the character of Waku – a gelatin burning, whip cream eating, purple, half bird, half dragon creature. The object of the game is to eat all of the whip cream. To do this you must move your character so that is touches the whip cream. When all whip cream is gone on a level, you move up to the next level.
To start playing a level, or to continue playing a level after you have lost a life, press the return key.
Left - 4(keypad), j, or s.
Right - 6(keypad), l, or f.
Fire - 5(keypad), k, or d.
This will shoot a flame in the direction Waku is facing. The fire will only disintegrate blocks of gelatin that are the same color as his "fire color" (see Dollops.)
Fly - 8(keypad), i, or e.
This will only work if Waku is standing on a yellow block of gelatin.
Jump - 0(keypad), or space bar.
This will move Waku on top of a block directly in front of him. If there is no block, Waku moves no further than a normal walk.
Super Jump - press the jump key with either the left key or the right key.
This will move Waku on top of a block directly in front of him. If there is no block, Waku moves twice as far as a normal move. This will also allow Waku to jump over holes that are 1 block wide.
Yes - press the "y" key.
This is used after an incredible move.
There are two dollops of whip cream in this game. One has red legs, and one has green legs. When Waku touches one of the dollops his "fire color" is changed to the color of that dollop. The current "fire color" can be checked in the panel at the bottom of the game window. When the "fire color" is red, Waku can disintegrate red blocks of gelatin. When the "fire color" is green Waku can disintegrate green blocks of gelatin.
There are two ways that dollops move. They can move left and right not falling off of blocks and not climbing blocks, or they can fall and climb. You must start the level and watch to find out which way they move.
Be careful, dollops will collect whip cream if they touch it and you will not be able to regain it. The level can still be completed by eating the remaining whip cream.
If Waku touches a spring he looses a life and the level is reset. There are two ways springs move. They can move left and right not falling and not climbing, or they can climb and fall. You must start playing that level and watch to see which way they move.
Be careful, springs will eat whip cream if they touch it and you will not be able to regain it. The level can still be completed by eating the remaining whip cream.
If Waku touches a Knife he looses a life and the level is reset. There is only one way knives move. They will climb over everything, including walls and ceilings.
Be careful, knives will eat whip cream if they touch it and you will not be able to regain it. The level can still be completed by eating the remaining whip cream.
NOTE: If you disintegrate a block of gelatin that a knife is on, it will cause the knife to rotate in mid air. Sometimes this will work to your advantage, and sometimes not.
Eating whip cream will add 10 points to your score. Burning whip cream will do nothing. Burning gelatin will add 1 point for every block you burn.
Extra Waku lives will be given in 1000 point increments.
High scores are checked at the end of the game (when your lives reaches zero.) NOTE - using the continue command will set your score to zero without checking for a high score.